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    SME Gateway adopted the JobTrack system from stSoftware

    JobTrack is used to coordinate the workflow to achieve these throughputs.

    SME Gateway adopted the JobTrack system from stSoftware in October 2012. Since then the SME Gateway staff has increased by 40%. There are usually 50 concurrent projects under management. A typical month would see more than 30 jobs priced and bid.

    JobTrack is used to coordinate the workflow to achieve these through puts.

    The iCAL interface provides an intuitive, real time interface to the status of all jobs and bids to available everyone, wherever they are. The Apple calendar, we use also allows us to directly link to the quote or job and add material or notes at will.

    We chose JobTrack in the first instance because it gave us operational flexibility. As a dynamic business, we don’t want to be tied to the office or isolated from our businesses processes and information when on the road.

    You might think the iCAL interface is icing on the cake since JobTrack already provides access to our data from any browser, anywhere, anytime; but it is more important than that. People need to proactively access data when using the browser; with iCAL it is brought to their attention when it needs to be and provides them with immediate access to the data they need to act on.

    We are not limited to one Calendar. JobTrack allows us to create Calendars which support specific functions and roles. For instance, there is a Calendar to support bidding, one that supports invoicing, one for general administrative tasks.

    Importantly for us, with JobTrack our data is also secure. JobTrack’s Access Control Limits (ACLs) ensure that staff have access only to the particular data they are authorized to access, every change is logged, including the identity and time of access, and all transactions can be reversed if required.

    While JobTrack is a solid foundation, the real gem is the support we get from the people at stSoftware. When we need to use the technology in very specific ways, stSoftware will not only make it happen quickly, they can do so affordably.

    Geoff Casey

    Chief Operating Officer

    SME Gateway Limited

    ABN 51 106 981 560

    SMEG Logo

    Suite 3, 6 Kennedy Street,

    (PO Box 4194)

    Kingston ACT 2604